We're committed to a clean and safe facility. Submit your health declaration
Mansion House, Suite B
Wellington Rd South Stockport,
Tel: 0161 464 9603
Email: ghl@gianhealthcare.co.uk
What we do.
Gian Healthcare companionship service provides a someone to pop in on a regular basis to provide company, improve well-being and ensure peace of mind for loved ones, particularly when they live further away. Forming a meaningful relationship with a carer can help you do the things you love. Perhaps you’ve always wanted to dance, or maybe, you’d like to join a book club to share your joy of reading with some company. Whatever your aspirations are, our companionship care services are there to help you live the life you want to live.
Companionship care may include:
shopping or coffee buddy
meal preparation
errands such as shopping, collecting prescriptions and arranging appointments.
Our specialist community based services are able to provide the supervision and support which is required, through high staffing levels, to ensure that those with ongoing risks are able to live safely in the community.